Samuel Sharp is a sixth grader at Grant K-8 school in Mission Hills and he loves learning about computers and how they work. Samuel has taught himself computer coding skills through the Google CS First online computer science curriculum and for the last two years he has had an after-school club at Grant to teach his classmates about coding by leading them through the many projects offered in the CS First curriculum.
Samuel heard about the Chavez Clubs and recently got to meet Carlos and Linda hoping that he could start a Chavez Club at his school. They explained that the Clubs couldn't add any schools right now, but if he wanted to, he could volunteer as an "Honorary" Chavista at some club events.
Samuel jumped at the chance and offered to teach the Chavez Clubs staff some cool coding skills and how to use Google's G-Suite of programs to manage club operations and event planing. So, on August 9-10, Samuel held a workshop for Chavez Club staff at Wilson Middle School. Here is Samuel, "the Chavista teacher", showing Carlos and Linda how to work on Google's G-Suite.

On the first day, Samuel led Carlos, Linda, Paty and Andrew (Club Mangers) through a computer coding exercise to teach them how to customize their own Google logo. This was part of the CS First Curriculum that teaches basic computer programing using Scratch, a computer programming language developed by MIT, that is used in schools across the country to teach students how to create interactive art, stories, simulations, and games. Here is a screen shot of Scratch showing the programing blocks used to create a new Google logo.

After teaching some of these coding basics, Samuel moved on to teach the Chavez Clubs team how to use G-Suite tools to create detailed plans for Chavez Club events like the upcoming Pasta & Prosecco event in December. Here is Samuel working with the team on the event planning G-Suite tools.

Samuel wants to continue as an Honary Chavista even though his school doesn't have a club. He has volunteered to teach coding and computer skills to other Chavistas at a workshop or club meetings, if he can get away from his many other activities at his schools. Samuel is just another example of a young student who is motivated by the Chavez Club values and wants to learn more about the leadership skills taught in our Clubs. Samuel's willingness to give his time to teach others is a great example of Chavez Club Values, especially Teach Someone, the value of giving someone the ability to help and provide for themselves, rather than giving them gifts and donations.

A big thank you to Samuel, for helping our staff learn more about computers, the importance of computer science education and helping us develop computer skills to help us manage club activities. We are sure we will see you at more club events in the future and good luck to you, Samuel, for a fun and interesting time in sixth grade!
Si Se Puede!