One of the issues that the Chavista Congress, the elected club leaders of all of our Chavez Clubs, decided to focus on was homelessness. Through their Congress meetings and follow-up committee meetings, these Chavista leaders began to study the homelessness issue in San Diego and discuss their own thoughts and experiences around the issue. Many of our Chavez Clubs members come from families that have experienced homelessness or housing insecurity or they have friends in that situation. So these young people have first hand experience with the devastating impacts and the challenges faced by the homeless.
Based on their discussions, several club leaders wanted to take action, so they worked with our Club Managers to plan a visit to city hall. On Wednesday, March 11th, Chavista Congress members Mia Montero and Jaden Jones from Zamorano Elementary, along with Angel Arroyo, Martin Pillado and Adrian Moret from Edison Elementary, attended the Rules Committee of the San Diego City Council to support the placement of a ballot measure before voters this November that would build housing for homeless San Diegan's. Below is a photo of our Chavistas preparing before going into the City Council meeting.

Each member of the group went to the microphone and delivered their remarks to the Council Committee. The Chavistas remarks were clear and well prepared reflecting the many months they have spent with their fellow Chavistas learning about, discussing and ultimately prioritizing homelessness as an issue they want to address this year. Here are photos of Angel Arroyo and Martin Pillado speaking the to Council Committee.

Steve Russell, Executive Director of the San Diego Housing Federation and lead sponsor of the proposed bond measure - who had come and discussed the measure with the Chavista Congress earlier this year - was overwhelmed and grateful for the Chavistas' powerful testimony. Councilmembers Barbara Bry and Chris Ward remarked after that City Hall was buzzing about the presentations from the Chavistas. The measure passed out of the Rules Committee on a 4-1 vote and will go to the full City Council for final approval in May.
Here is a full video of the testimony delivered by our Chavistas.